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DVHS Robotics Annual Tournament
Hosted annually for the past 14 years with over 200+ competitors
Over 40+ teams in attendance
Qualifies for the States Championship
Student organized and led event
Connect with 100+ alumni network for judging and referees
Raises thousands in funds for club

High Stakes 2025

Spin-Up 2022

Gateway 2011
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DVHS Robotics Summer Camp
Host camp every year for local middle schoolers to learn stem
VEX IQ content taught by DVHS Robotics students
Work as employees in the school district for pay
Student organized and led
Over 40+ students from schools across the Bay Ares
Raises 20k for the club

VEX IQ Robot placing rings on a stake

DVHS Robotics Mentors hosting a Tournament

Middle school students creating their own robot
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Novice & Development Programs
​Novice is a two-part program where students learn about V5 building, programming, and CADing (computer-aided design). Out of nearly 100 yearly applications, 25 get into the first half. They spend 4 hours a week for the first semester to plan, design, build, and code a robot design in 4 teams of 6. At the end of the semester, half of the recruits are cut from the program, and only the most dedicated move forward to the Development Stage. They are faced with yet another challenge and work in smaller teams to solve the problem. With the end of the second semester, the recruits are drafted onto 1 of the 4 competitive teams.
An introductory program for freshmen and sophomores who are interested in advancing to the competitive teams
Anyone at DVHS can apply
Completely free and does not require prior robotics experience
Highly competitive and well-known
Run by our Directors of Education (part of club-officer team)

Novice 2016 - 2017
Novice 2021 - 2022

Novice 2015 - 2016
Roles and Expectations
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Builders are expected to have at least a 50% attendance rate during the build cycle. Each cycle will begin with a ~2 week design period, where the build team will work together on CAD to design the new robot. After the robot is designed in its entirety, meetings will be held for the robot to be actually built, using the CAD as a guideline and addressing issues that arise with the design. Builders will all start working on the main robot, but if a severe lack of knowledge or competence is evident a separate “2nd build” will be created where these members will work together to build a separate bot and learn concepts through experience.
Programmers who have no other role are not expected to show up during the build cycle, but following the build cycle in the weeks leading up to the tournament are expected to have a relatively high attendance rate. This expectation will be determined by how many weeks are left until the tournament and the goals for the tournament (skills, etc.)
Documentation is not a standalone role, and is a side role for someone who is already a programmer or a builder. Documentors won’t be writing the entire notebook by themselves, but rather using information provided by builders and programmers to format into a notebook, and ensure that the notebook meets all of the rubric requirements. Documenters will not be expected to be as involved in their main roles (build/prog), but will instead be expected to spend time on formatting the notebook. Documentors will also prepare a presentation for the weeks leading up to a tournament.
Treat team members with respect. Work together, not against each other. If you have any issue that arises within the team, regardless of what it is I will always be available to talk about it, and I will keep it confidential so don’t be scared. If a problem arises with me as a captain that you wish not to discuss with me, you can take it up with Akarsh or anonymously through the tipline form, which I will not be able to view if it is about me. All documents will be found in the google drive, including notebook, attendance records, this doc, robot pictures, plans, tournament scouting sheets, etc.
Tournament Roles
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Drive team members will be chosen by the driver, based on who they feel has the best understanding of the game and strategy, as well as has good attendance rates.
Schedulers are expected to create a schedule for the tournament which includes all intended activities (interview, skills runs, etc.) and ensure that the team is following that schedule.
Anyone who is not one of the above roles or even if a member are and have free time, is expected to scout so that we can get a comprehensive description of every team at the tournament BEFORE alliance selection, including their auton, driver, and functional capabilities.
Team roles still apply at the tournament, for example if something goes wrong mechanically builders will be expected to be there and fix it, and same for programming. All members are required to show up to every tournament and be proactive the entire time. E.g. Last year was bad.
Participation & Attendance
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Recording Attendance:
Attendance will be recorded based on hours attended. Attendance will not be granted for presence, but instead for participation. E.g. if a member shows up to the meeting but makes no meaningful contribution, they will not be granted attendance hours for that meeting. Attendance rates will be determined by the total number of hours attended divided by the total number of meeting hours you were available for. The only hours that will be “excused,” or not counted as available for will be if you are out of town, but you will be expected to make up for this when you return.
Attendance rates are expected to fall in line with the expectations outlined in the role descriptions, but are subject to change at any time and can be negotiated based on special circumstances (build and prog). If a member fails to meet the attendance expectation for a month or more, their position on the team will be reconsidered.
Recording Progress
In order to ensure participation at each meeting, members will need to fill out a form indicating what they have accomplished at the meeting, which will not only serve as a proof of attendance but also be repurposed for documentation. If a member fails to fill this form out, they will not receive attendance hours for that meeting. Members are also encouraged to take a picture of their work if possible for the notebook.